What if we could make Georgia the FIRST Food Secure State in the nation? Are you game? This big puzzle has lots of small pieces. So, let’s start with YOU. What are YOU doing to make yourself, and your family, more FOOD SECURE this year? What you can do:1. WHERE are you going to grow? Even if you live in an apartment, you can still grow some food. You can grow lettuce on your kitchen counter, tomatoes on your balcony, food for a family of four in a tiny yard, or enough food for your family plus more to sell or barter on an acre (or less)! 2. WHAT are you going to grow? What do you like to eat? Buy some seeds and/or seedlings for produce that you can grow instead of purchasing at the grocery store. Do some research about what grows well in your area. Always try to buy native plants first, and then branch out into things you want to try to grow. 3. HOW are you going to grow it? Choose your growing containers: grow bags, plastic tubs, pots, raised beds for some Square Foot Gardening, or just the ground using the No-Till method. We advocate the Food Forest (aka permaculture) concept because once it’s established you can literally walk away from it and it will continue to produce. There is no maintenance because you have created an ecosystem! 4. WHEN are you going to grow? In Georgia you can pretty much grown all year long. After you have chosen what you want to grow, research the best time(s) of year to grow those plants. Make a schedule for the year. Plan out when you should start the seeds, when to plant your seedlings, when to harvest, and if you can grow the plants in succession. Keep a Garden Journal to get the most out of your growing experience. Videos referenced above: 1. Square Foot Gardening 2. No-Till Method 3. What is Permaculture? (Food Forests) Additional videos: 1. Family growing 90% of their food on an impressive permaculture homestead (this is a FANTASTIC video! Don’t miss it!) 2. Super easy no-till garden method to use right now 3. 5 beginner no dig mistakes to avoid 4. 40 Fruit Trees on .02 acre? Turn ANY size yard into a thriving food forest |